The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has registered a preliminary inquiry against the former CEO and present chairman of Noida. The move came after Allahabad High Court asked the CBI to investigate appointments of CEO Sanjeev Saran and chairman Rakesh Bahadur and their alleged involvement in allotment of land by the Noida authority.
While the UP government transferred Saran from the post of CEO after the High Court order, Bahadur is still the chairman of Noida authority.
After registering the preliminary inquiry, the CBI asked the Noida authority to provide files relating to land allotments made during the tenure of Bahadur and Saran. The agency also told the UP government that for a fair probe into the case, Bahadur should be transferred.
Sources said that the agency will bring the matter to the notice of the court if Bahadur continues to be the chairman. The High Court had already asked the UP government to transfer Saran and Bahadur and directed the CBI to initiate a probe. The agency plans to question the two officials on the decisions taken by them.
The officials were initially posted as CEO and chairman during the earlier stint of the Samajwadi Party in power. When the BSP came to power, the two officials were suspended. They were re-appointed to the posts when the SP was voted back to power in 2012.
The court said they must be transferred "away from Western Uttar Pradesh" as their presence in the region could "affect the enquiry against them".
While the UP government transferred Saran from the post of CEO after the High Court order, Bahadur is still the chairman of Noida authority.
After registering the preliminary inquiry, the CBI asked the Noida authority to provide files relating to land allotments made during the tenure of Bahadur and Saran. The agency also told the UP government that for a fair probe into the case, Bahadur should be transferred.
Sources said that the agency will bring the matter to the notice of the court if Bahadur continues to be the chairman. The High Court had already asked the UP government to transfer Saran and Bahadur and directed the CBI to initiate a probe. The agency plans to question the two officials on the decisions taken by them.
The officials were initially posted as CEO and chairman during the earlier stint of the Samajwadi Party in power. When the BSP came to power, the two officials were suspended. They were re-appointed to the posts when the SP was voted back to power in 2012.
The court said they must be transferred "away from Western Uttar Pradesh" as their presence in the region could "affect the enquiry against them".
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